Jeff Shepard Portfolio

Welcome to my professional portfolio. My name is Jeff Shepard, a dedicated web developer passionate about crafting exceptional digital experiences. I invite you to explore the 'About' tab to learn more about my background and expertise. Additionally, my projects are showcased in the 'Projects' tab.

While the current navigation structure reflects the initial stages of this site's development, I anticipate the addition of more projects as I continue to expand my portfolio. Your patience is appreciated as I work to present an evolving collection of my endeavors.

This website is hosted on GitHub Pages, which integrates seamlessly with Jekyll, allowing for automatic compilation and deployment of the site whenever changes are pushed to the repository. While the structure of the website is defined using HTML and Liquid templating, its visual appearance is styled using Sass, which is a powerful extension of CSS.

I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you on your next web venture.